Mass Management

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NSW introduces cheaper option to operate at Higher Mass Limits (HML) in NSW

NSW introduces cheaper option to operate at Higher Mass Limits (HML) in NSW


Operators seeking to operate at HML weights (ie a BD at 68.0 tonnes gross weight) within New South Wales (NSW) have historically been required to have their vehicle nominated under the Intelligent Access Program (IAP) in that state.


The IAP system’s GPS monitors the truck location, when operating in excess of the Concessional Mass Limit (CML), to ensure the vehicle only operates on the limited HML Network in NSW. If the IAP system finds that vehicles loaded to HML weights are operating on non approved roads the breach is notified to RMS (Roads and Maritime Services NSW) who can then take enforcement action.      


Previously operators had only the IAP option to run HML which has been quite expensive at around $330.00 per month, per vehicle.


The good news is that NSW has recently released a cheaper HML monitoring option called TMA (Telematics Monitoring Application) which costs $110.00 per month, much cheaper than the IAP system.


However, please note that, at this stage, TMA only applies in NSW so if you are operating in QLD you will still need IAP to operate at HML.


Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania do not require HML monitoring so if you only operate in NSW, Vic, Tas or SA the new TMA option may be suitable for you.


If you want to find out more about the TMA option in NSW, contact Greg Hough on 0447 447 600 and he will get you sorted !!