Steer Axles on PBS Combinations - NHVR Maintenance Management Mandatory

Recently we have had several companies contact us after they have been booked and had their PBS certified combinations grounded as a result of an on-road inspection of the vehicle and PBS paperwork. 

The combinations, fitted with steerable axles, have been grounded as it was discovered that the combination was not nominated for Maintenance Management.

Generally, PBS combinations that are fitted with a steerable axles, such as super B Doubles, Quad Singles and some A Doubles, require NHVR NHVAS Maintenance Management as a permit operating condition, in the last couple of cases the operator was not aware that this was a requirement.

It appears that the NHVR officers are conducting more checks of this requirement and finding many instances where the vehicle combination (both hauling unit and trailer/s) are not on Maintenance, as they find more that are non-complying, they are bound to check even more.

To prevent your customers being impacted we strongly recommend that you advise clients who operate these combinations to ensure they have fully read the Vehicle Approval and the NHVR permit to ensure that they do nominate the combination for Maintenance Management if it is a requirement on the VA document

I have attached a snippet of a typical VA for a PBS combination with a steerable axle, showing the Maintenance Management requirement                

We are able to quickly implement Maintenance Management if required so please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance


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